
  • Website Url animeflix.b animeflix.b
  • Response Time 75 ms
  • Last Checked 1 hour ago
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animeflix.b is down.
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Uptime History

Date Response Time Status
2025-03-18T02:11:53+00:00 75 ms Down
2025-03-17T17:08:32+00:00 70 ms Down
2025-03-17T15:41:41+00:00 20 ms Down
2025-03-16T21:16:47+00:00 127 ms Down
2024-10-09T12:43:50+00:00 225 ms Down
2024-08-29T09:38:25+00:00 170 ms Down
2024-08-28T07:27:48+00:00 223 ms Down
2024-08-17T01:31:33+00:00 222 ms Down
2024-08-03T00:46:05+00:00 144 ms Down
2024-07-22T08:53:40+00:00 233 ms Down
This table reflects the uptime history for animeflix.b.
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Past Response Times

This graph reflects the response times collectd for animeflix.b. The lower the response time, the better.


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  • Clear your browser temporary cache and cookie to make sure you have the recent version of animeflix.b.
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  • Clear your local DNS cache to make sure you have the recent version from your ISP for animeflix.b. For Windows machine, you can do this by going to StartCommand Prompt → Type ipconfig /flushdns and then hit Enter.
  • If you suspect your ISP is blocking your access, you may try an alternate DNS service, such as OpenDNS or Google DNS.
  • If animeflix.b is restricting your access or is blocking content from you, try a VPN or Virtual Private Network. A VPN will encrypt your connection and allow you to bypass most website blocks.

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Reported Issues

Someone from Seattle, United States reported animeflix.b was Down.
Site not working Down
Submitted 3 years ago
Someone from Jabalpur, India reported animeflix.b was Down.
Site won't load Down
Submitted 3 years ago
Someone from Mumbai, India reported animeflix.b was Up.
Submitted 3 years ago
Someone from Shimla, India reported animeflix.b was Down.
Site issue Down
Submitted 3 years ago
Someone from Delhi, India reported animeflix.b was Down.
Site not working Down
Submitted 3 years ago
Someone from Milwaukee, United States reported animeflix.b was Down.
Site issue Down
Submitted 3 years ago
Someone from Albania reported animeflix.b was Down.
Site error Down
Submitted 3 years ago
Someone from Indianapolis, United States reported animeflix.b was Down.
Site not working Down
Submitted 3 years ago

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Fira Shaffer Fira Shaffer
It not working
Posted 4 years ago
Anime lover Anime lover
I need help it says This video file cannot be played.
(Error Code: 224003) and i did the Ctrl + F5 but it did not work and i am okay of using the app Funimation but you have to pay for no ads and I don't like the 6 Minute's of ads :(
Posted 4 years ago
Anonymous Anonymous
Both sub and dub were working fine at the end of July, but then suddenly, I think around the 20th of July, dub was not working. I thought, this is just another short bug and it should be fixed tomorrow, but it hasn't been fixed to this very day. I looked up the error code and tried some options on how to troubleshoot, I even switched devices but nothing worked. This lead be to believe that it wasn't my device, browser or media player that was the problem but the website itself. I didn't mind this too much because I can work with sub, but sometimes subbed videos have the same exact problem. I was re-watching Given today (very sad and I recommend if you haven't watched it) and episodes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 had the same error message pop-up.
I've seen comments under YouTube videos that a site called KissAnime had just shut down forever. This had my wondering that maybe the creators of Animeflix might be on the verge of completely shutting down their website. If that is the case, I suggest that everyone who had previously used Animeflix as their main viewing site for anime find a new website that has both subs and dubs. I suggest either CrunchyRoll or FUNimation. I personally have been considering FUNimation because you don't need to pay to watch most of the episodes and they have both subs and dubs for every show that they have. Although, the only issue is you do need to subscribe to watch in dub, but I'm sure that you will easily get past that issue.
I hope that this warning was quite helpful and that you will consider switching your main anime viewing website. Thank you for your time.

Posted 4 years ago
Anthony Anthony
The dub does not work. Only the sub do
Posted 4 years ago
lexi lexi
i heard this was a good website to watch the free! and bnha ovas and i just discovered it but it keeps saying "This video file cannot be played" and an error code
Posted 4 years ago
Ugff Ugff
This is crazy Its been down for weeks are they ever going to fix dubbed like this is crazy
Posted 4 years ago
aqsa aqsa
whenever I try watching a video it says the video can not be played
Posted 4 years ago
usar usar
omg its been down for weeks are they gonna do anything about it? this was such a good website to watch Naruto shippuden dubbed
Posted 4 years ago
Pumpkie Pumpkie
so animeflix isnt working at all and its down plus how can i verify my animeflix account went the verafication code didnt send to my gmails please fix animeflix if u can o was in the middle d.gray-man
Posted 4 years ago
pee pee
??? ?? ?ℕ ??????
my username is octaviushood83
Posted 4 years ago