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  • Response Time 458 ms
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Uptime History

Date Response Time Status
2024-12-25T07:53:09+00:00 458 ms Down
2024-12-24T02:56:50+00:00 434 ms Down
2024-12-20T00:50:02+00:00 318 ms Down
2024-12-19T07:54:47+00:00 445 ms Down
2024-12-12T09:28:32+00:00 239 ms Down
2024-12-11T13:23:58+00:00 376 ms Down
2024-12-04T02:01:05+00:00 607 ms Down
2024-11-26T14:39:22+00:00 432 ms Down
2024-11-18T21:05:55+00:00 419 ms Down
2024-11-15T05:11:19+00:00 412 ms Down
This table reflects the uptime history for
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Reported Issues

Someone from Friona, United States reported was Down.
Site won't load Down
Submitted 11 months ago
Someone from United States reported was Down.
Site won't load Down
Submitted 11 months ago
Someone from Loganville, United States reported was Down.
Site not working Down
Submitted 1 year ago
Someone from Zurich, Switzerland reported was Down.
Site not working Down
Submitted 1 year ago
Someone from Loganville, United States reported was Down.
Site issue Down
Submitted 1 year ago
Someone from Pittsburgh, United States reported was Down.
Site not working Down
Submitted 1 year ago
Someone from Pico Rivera, United States reported was Down.
Site won't load Down
Submitted 1 year ago
Someone from Missoula, United States reported was Down.
Site issue Down
Submitted 1 year ago
Someone from Elkton, United States reported was Down.
Site not working Down
Submitted 1 year ago
Someone from Clayton, United States reported was Down.
Site not working Down
Submitted 1 year ago

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Chance Donley Chance Donley
Really? I could have made this website in high school computer class in this amount of time. Rip us off with little options on overpriced stuff then leave everybody in the dark for months?! Good management skills Marlboro..... billion dollar company’s at their finest ?
Posted 4 years ago
CLane74 CLane74
Website has been down for months now as well as the app? I still get texts and emails though. I can't even unsubscribe because it takes me to the same we are working on it page! Very frustrating! Please either fix it or take it down and unsubscribe all!
Posted 4 years ago
Jenna Jenna
Fix the app and allow for double the points to be logged in for into June's points since this is the last day of the month of May and Marlboro's service is down to enter anything for May. Fix and give credit to loyal customers.
Posted 4 years ago
Becky Reedy Becky Reedy
I have been having issues for quite sometime now..keep getting text from them though about entering codes.. only to say I would if I could.. when are they going to fix this.
Posted 4 years ago
Candie B. Candie B.
I haven't been able to use Marlboro's website for months now. It's totally not fair. I do enter my codes via text, but I don't get to do anything with them. I can't order anything from the catalog at all. It's not just my phone. I've used a couple of other phones as well as a couple different laptops. I've been extremely patient and I even called the marlboro company once and the lady said it was working and she was pleasant, but she's full of crap. I also agree with other people about being able to use more codes each month. I just keep piling mine up, but if you guys don't get this website fixed, I'll switch brands and NEVER go back to Marlboro and I'll burn all my codes. I know that you guys really don't give a crap because I'm a lowly customer. You guys are like our government and really don't care about us. But you and the government need to realize that we may be the lowly peasants and consumers, but without us you won't be making your money. So PLEASE just fix this ISSUE!!!
Posted 4 years ago
treasurehunterdale treasurehunterdale
How hard can it be for a major company to keep their website up? I really hope they extend the deadline on entering codes past December or they are going to have a lot of very unhappy smokers!
Hey Marlboro this also might be a perfect time for you to restock some of the items you're running out of! I already have the black Casio and was going to get the white but you ran out so I was gonna go for the JBL earphones now you are out of those!
Posted 4 years ago
Sharon Sell Sharon Sell
The web site is not working at all for Marlboro codes to be put in. This needs to be fixed before the end of the month. Or everyone will loss out on using there points for the month. Thank you Mrs.Sell.
Posted 4 years ago
Sharon M. Denson Sharon M. Denson
Is website down? Haven't been able to get into the site for some time to enter my codes. When will the website be up and running again? Can we enter 60 codes next month since we can't enter 30 for April?
Posted 4 years ago
johnny redeye johnny redeye
this site has not worked for weeks, their emails are also messed up. they sent me 3 in the past week and every one was the same, mostly blank.
Posted 4 years ago
Dean O Gillogly Jr Dean O Gillogly Jr
I have not been able to get on for about 4 months now and have not been able to put in my point tickets off my packs to get Marlboro stuff, and say sent me my 2 coupons for a $1.00 off a pack and I need to change my address in June 2020
Posted 4 years ago