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2024-09-01T00:39:56+00:00 158 ms Up
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2024-08-18T02:41:28+00:00 93 ms Up
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Mitsu Mitsu
Thank you so much for this!!
I managed to restore my bookmarks and collections from Mangaowl on Vyvy.
But what is going on with Mangaowl?? why is it shut down??
Posted 2 years ago
HardyGreen HardyGreen
Happy that even manga owl is down, I was able to restore my downloads through Vyvymanga..

You people should try it.
Posted 2 years ago
hielll hielll
i love manga owl because it tells me the updated chaps and also remained of what i didnt finish reading it so sad
Posted 2 years ago
hielll hielll
hhuhhuhuhuuhhu delete forever how can i read for free now i doomed
Posted 2 years ago
hielll hielll
whyy cant i open manga owl huhuhuhuu need to read some unfinshed manga huhhhuuhuu
Posted 2 years ago
Help Help
I did the thing on where I can restore my book marks and reading, i pressed the button and restored my stuff successfully but it didn't show my bookmark and reading do I have to wait or did I do something wrong?????
Posted 2 years ago
Blah Blah
The thing I miss most was how the old site highlighted the updated chapters, now I have to search for the updates.🥲
Posted 2 years ago
Mellow Bear Mellow Bear
Hi everyone,

I have very sad news. The owner has decided to shut down Mangaowl forever. Apparently running the site was too costly + alot of people kept posting about it on social media. If you dont want vyvy to shut down please don't post about it on social media.

This will most likely be my final update.
Posted 2 years ago
Mellow Bear Mellow Bear
Hi @boorish,
Happy to provide you with the updates :)
Unfortunately the owner didn't say anything about why he's on break or why the site is down :/ I know as much as you do right now. If he does provide any context or updates I'll post about it here.

Regarding the email issue, no it has not been fixed yet. If you didn't use an email for your Mangaowl account, then you will not be able to restore your bookmarks. I'm also not sure if vyvy will create a restore function for non-email mangaowl users.
Ps: The restore function does not work for collections either (at least for now) . The mods have advised that all bookmark inquiries/ restore feature questions should be asked on the vyvy website.
Posted 2 years ago
boorish boorish
>On the other note, I'm curious to as what actually happened. I saw a @Mellow Bear (Thank you for the updates, notices, etc., by the way, ♥) reply to my comment questioning 'what happened?' So basically the site owner went on a respite, but isn't it odd that the site completely got demolished and inactive just because of that measly act? I mean, if you think about it, there are other (if not thousands) of other sites whose site owners also took a break into managing their sites, i.e. going on a vacation of some sort, and everything was a-ok!
Posted 2 years ago