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2024-11-05T23:54:47+00:00 10,148 ms Down
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2024-07-03T20:27:12+00:00 10,101 ms Down
2024-06-28T07:00:47+00:00 10,086 ms Down
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Someone from Dolan Springs, United States reported was Down.
Site won't load Down
Submitted 3 years ago
Someone from Jinju, Korea reported was Down.
Site issue Down
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Keith Keith
Covercity isn't an option unfortunately. Tried it out. They took my money and 24 hours later my account had still not been credited. What is it with these cover sites ?
Posted 5 years ago
Terri Terri
Someone mentioned posting covers to a usenet group. There is already a dvd-covers group and I posted about 1200 labels not long ago. One of my labels got me booted from my news server. I had made one for the movie The Wall using a low quality picture, all I could find at the time. Used a portion of the pic which was grainy and slightly blurry and cropped it to a label. Lionsgate filed a complaint with my news server and I was dropped a few days ago. So Usenet is not a good option. Since this happened, I'm really surprised that all the cover sites are not being targeted.
Posted 5 years ago
hugh jones hugh jones
try this one
Posted 5 years ago
Kyle Connolly Kyle Connolly
when are they gonna bring back
Posted 5 years ago
Larry Krause Larry Krause
Get the 543 error each time I open the link for FreeCovers. Apparently site is down.
Posted 5 years ago
i haven't been able to reach free covers for several weeks as well. however for those asking for alternative sites with hi-res pictures here are few alternative sites but they membership or credits.
Posted 5 years ago
drummer92 drummer92
What the hell is going on?
This site is down for a few weeks now and it is a shame that you don't get ANY information about what is going on an IF this site shut down by external influences, like the US FBI or something like that.
Posted 5 years ago
colin colin is a great site for DVD labels but doesn't do CD labels, for those try I hope this helps some of you.
Posted 5 years ago
peter peter
Any one know of a good site (large inventory) for free or reasonable priced disc labels? Been a member of freecovers for years, but alas, this looks fatal. Did lots of searches on line for a good site, but could only fined ones that have very limited labels or are just overcharging for minimal inventory
Posted 5 years ago
elizabeth elizabeth
Can anyone tell me a good site I can download disc covers please?
Posted 5 years ago