• Website Url
  • Response Time 10,148 ms
  • Last Checked 4 weeks ago
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Uptime History

Date Response Time Status
2024-11-05T23:54:47+00:00 10,148 ms Down
2024-10-11T10:19:21+00:00 10,103 ms Down
2024-09-26T12:10:22+00:00 10,174 ms Down
2024-08-27T12:14:39+00:00 10,167 ms Down
2024-08-27T12:05:19+00:00 10,157 ms Down
2024-08-05T11:53:49+00:00 10,039 ms Down
2024-07-22T01:43:19+00:00 10,031 ms Down
2024-07-22T01:39:25+00:00 10,102 ms Down
2024-07-03T20:27:12+00:00 10,101 ms Down
2024-06-28T07:00:47+00:00 10,086 ms Down
This table reflects the uptime history for
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Past Response Times

This graph reflects the response times collectd for The lower the response time, the better.


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Reported Issues

Someone from Dolan Springs, United States reported was Down.
Site won't load Down
Submitted 3 years ago
Someone from Jinju, Korea reported was Down.
Site issue Down
Submitted 3 years ago

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Keith Keith
Just to update users of I filed a complaint with PayPal asking for a full refund of my "Gold Membership" which after a 10 day investigation they've awarded in my favour. I have been unable to contact Mr Willabus via email, as emails keep bouncing back. I believe that PayPal also had the same problem so that's probably (hopefully) his PayPal service suspended. I don't think I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with such an arrogant individual.
On another note I've tried accessing the site via numerous VPN servers thinking that it could be a geographical block but his actual site is showing as fully down. It's my personal opinion that maybe he's been shut down by the authorities based on copyright breaches. As much as we all loved the site and its content copyright is being breached.
Posted 5 years ago
Mario Barbara Mario Barbara
I tried many times to access this site with no success. I even tried through Google Chrome, same result. Hope it will be fixed.
Posted 5 years ago
David Birchall David Birchall
Still can't access them as yet with Error 543
The origin web server is not available
Posted 5 years ago
Katelyn Dunn Katelyn Dunn
Freecovers is down for me as well, I wonder when they are going to get it back up and running!
Posted 5 years ago
Ray Ray
It's true can't access them either. I use them a lot. Don't know what their problem is.
Posted 5 years ago
Keith Keith
Wise move Tony
I've done the same with regards to paypal. They also assured me that they would be looking into his antics.
I get the impression that they will pull the plug on him as a funding source.
Posted 5 years ago
Tony Tony
Same error message as others are reporting . Site has a history of being down for days at a time but always with an sql too many connections message. Never seen it down with this latest error message before. Shocking service for a site that many people pay membership for to download covers. Will be cancelling and requesting refund via paypal.
Posted 5 years ago
For the last few days there is an Error 543 shown when trying to logon to It also says that "The origin web server is not available".

Hope the issue is resolved soon.
Posted 5 years ago
Keith Keith
Update: from what I can gather some users can get on and others can't ! Unfortunately the website is non selective of "who can't" and "Gold members" appear to be falling into the latter category. One sure fire way to upset your customers is to charge them for a service and then deny them the use of it. The server is partially down for whatever reason and I'm not suggesting its deliberate but in this day and age this is not acceptable. It looks like it can't handle the traffic going through it but I'm sure as hell not paying for a service that isn't available. I've cancelled my membership and requested a full refund through PayPal. DISGRACE!
Posted 5 years ago
Keith Keith
What's going on with the site...just joined as a gold member and have not been able to download most covers as pages are showing as unavailable. Haven't been able to email them to report the issue as the mail keeps bouncing back. Now it's just got worse and there's no site at all. I don't like the look of what I'm reading on here so I'll give It a few days and cancel if I have to.
Posted 5 years ago